-“It’s impossible for a saltwater flat to be more barren.” -“This is a place where fishing dreams go to die.” -“I would kill for a ladyfish right now.” -“Dear Lord, please send a school of Jacks to this awful place.” These are thoughts I’ve had while fishing...
Fly fishing for tarpon is about as good as it gets for fly anglers. It only takes one fish before the process becomes habit-forming. An unholy amount of dopamine floods the brain’s reward center when your fly line comes tight to a tarpon. Interventions are useless to...
“How are they catching snook at night?” “An alley full of snook? That can’t be true!” “Who gave it the name ‘Snook Alley’?” “Where is it and how do I get there?” These were the musings of a 9 year old...
The Rocky movie franchise in a nutshell is the story of a man coming from nothing, overcoming obscurity, getting battered by the champ, and then showing he could hang with anyone in the ring. It’s a great metaphor for the process some willingly endure getting...
When Lefty Kreh passed away in March, his life was rightly celebrated. Tributes overwhelmed Instagram and Facebook feeds for days. The heartwarming stories of chance encounters and old tales of epic fishing trips with the fly fishing legend, perfectly framed a life...