Shallow Water Fishing
Thanks for discovering the home of Quiet Waters, a specialized flats fishing guide service based out of Sarasota, Florida. If your interest or passion involves the finer things like fly fishing or using light tackle with artificial baits to target inshore fish, then this may be the shallow water guided experience you are seeking.
The shallow flats and clear water around Sarasota offer unique opportunities for serious anglers during the day. Snook, redfish, and seatrout are the main inshore gamefish we target on the flats. In Sarasota, tarpon are a great option for much of the year. Quiet Waters offers a variety of sight fishing trips in shallow water that are specifically designed for anglers that love to hunt fish.
Fishing Blog Posts
Louisiana Redfish Fishing & Thanksgiving Fishing in Sarasota
I’ve been at redfish camp in Louisiana since the beginning of October. This is the first year that I have offered Louisiana redfish trips and it’s been a wonderful experience for my anglers and myself. The Louisiana marsh is a magical place where the dream of feeding...
Fall Fishing is Starting in Sarasota
The fall fishing season has arrived in Sarasota, FL and we’re seeing some noticeable changes. Cooler mornings and tolerable day time temperatures have replaced steamy hot summer days. We’re seeing schooling redfish and snook have had longer bite windows with cooling...