Gallery & Outdoor Journal

Welcome to the Quiet Waters Gallery & Outdoor Journal. Above you will find the gallery slide show. Below you will find posts from the Quiet Waters Outdoor Journal. The Quiet Waters Outdoor Journal is filled with the type of writing that seems to be uncommon in today’s SEO driven world. The outdoor journal is home to my musings on nature, life, death, and adventure.

The Trout Rill

The Trout Rill

Crouched down with my back to the wind, I pulled my hood over my head to shield myself from the icy wind that gnawed at my neck. With my other hand I dug through my pocket, grasping for a plastic wrapped packet of HotHands. I coaxed the packet out...

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The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour

Idling away from the ramp, the orange street light glow was slowly swallowed by darkness. He looked back to the east, but the first hints of daylight had yet to leach into the sky. He had a long run ahead of him through a cutting northwest wind. It...

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Subgroup B

Subgroup B

The person who introduced me to fly fishing was part of an established group of very capable fly anglers. Some had pedigree. Others brought skill, but everyone had something to offer. The group offered vast knowledge of fly fishing which they...

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